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The Meaningful Money Personal Finance Podcast

Jul 26, 2023

Today we thought we would take stock of where we’ve come in the season and also to help you with reviewing the transition points of the flow chart, as they apply to your life. A regular review is essential for being intentional with our finances, and it’s at those review points that we can take a look at where we...

Jul 12, 2023

So…this has been a lot of work! 500 episodes over ten and a half years, not to mention over 460 videos. Today we’re going to throw out the usual structure of the show and hear from lots of different voices, some friends of the show but also quite a few listeners, which will be excellent!

Show Notes:

Jul 5, 2023

Today we’ll continue to build on the foundations we’ve laid and also on last week’s discussion of shorter-term goals. We’re going to be talking about identifying, costing and building towards long-term goals.

Show Notes: 

UKPF Flow Chart: