May 31, 2023
Today we continue our dance through the UK Personal Finance Flow Chart, which is serving as our map for building a kind of Financial Operating System. Last week we went deep into Budgeting, and today we want to talk about the Emergency fund. Might not sound the most gripping of subjects, but it IS important…
May 24, 2023
Today we’re going to be starting our journey proper through the UKPF Flowchart and talking about the foundation of it all - Budgeting.
May 17, 2023
I’ve long been a lurker in the UK Personal Finance Subreddit. One of the key resources that they put out is the UK Personal Finance Flowchart, which is a masterwork, it really is. It’s basically a do this, then that, operating system for your personal finances. We’ll cover a section of the flowchart in each...
May 3, 2023
Today we have another quick inbetweenisode where I’m talking to Ted Moreau of a very interesting site called Pickafund which I think has the potential to really help a lot of people find the funds they want to invest in.