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The Meaningful Money Personal Finance Podcast

Aug 25, 2021

Jen Kempson, AKA MamaFurFur is a deeply inspiring person to me - I’m really excited to have her on the show. She’s making huge waves on YouTube and Instagram and her messaging about money is solid, but it’s her messaging about what money can do for you that stands out for me. She calls it Time Freedom...

Aug 18, 2021

Will Rainey of Blue Tree Savings is an interesting guy with a fascinating story. He’s gone from advising global insurance companies and governments on how to invest billions, to helping parents teach their kids about money. He now has a blog and company dedicating to reaching as many people on this vital subject...

Aug 11, 2021

This season is called One Big Thing, and the idea is that I have a guest on each week and we discuss something that they’re passionate about, annoyed about, or that is their specialism. I have some great guests lined up for you, starting this week with my good buddy Andy Hart from the Maven Money podcast.

Andy and I...