Jan 30, 2019
In researching for this season on Millennial finance, one of the biggest messages that comes across is the likely significant reduction in the number of young people who will be able to buy a house. That may well be true, but I have a sneaking suspicion that, like many of the challenges faced by millennials, this may be...
Jan 23, 2019
The Millennial Generation will likely be saving and investing for a very long time, but it’s also likely that they will not experience the investment returns that previous generations did. What impact might this have on their future wealth?
Jan 21, 2019
Today I chat to Michael Johnson, a man who has been influential in changing the landscape of savings in the UK as he was the man who first proposed the Lifetime ISA. The product that eventually surfaced wasn’t quite what he had in mind, however. I was looking forward to having the chance to someone who clearly is very...
Jan 18, 2019
Listener Marc asks about the main differences between OEICs (that's Open-Ended Investment Companies) and ITs (that's Investment Trusts). Does it even matter?
Jan 16, 2019
It might seem disingenuous to say that living longer is a challenge for Millennials. Of course it is likely to be a blessing first and foremost, but when it comes to affording to live longer, there are somethings that we need to consider, as early as possible, to give ourselves the best chance of making the best of a...