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The Meaningful Money Personal Finance Podcast

Apr 19, 2017

I get lots of emails these days about pretty much all aspects of personal finance. But as we have been dealing this seasons with the subject of The Great Transition, I thought I would pick out a few questions specific to the subject of retirement and investing in retirement, and try to answer them in this week’s show…

Retirement Questions Answered

Rather than attribute these questions to individuals who have sent them, I have picked these six retirement questions because they represent the kinds of questions I have been getting. In a couple of cases, I have used the questions verbatim, but I have tidied the rest up to reflect the load of similar questions.

Remember, it’s not too late to ask a question. If you have one, the best place is in the comments section below, or head over to the Ask Pete page, and maybe I’ll record a video answer for you…

Here are the subjects of the six questions answered in this week’s show:

  • With markets high right now, how can I protect myself from a market correction if I’m about to start drawing from my portfolio?
  • If my final salary pension is reduced for every year I take it early, how can I balance the reduced pension against receiving it for longer – which is the better deal?
  • What benefits are there in working with a financial planner, rather than an IFA, if I have a specific plan for my drawdown? (This question also takes in the natural yield vs total return subject)
  • Does it really make sense to secure some of my retirement income with annuity rates as low as they are?
  • Are there any circumstances where it might make sense to intentionally go over the lifetime allowance?
  • If I retire early, do I have to reduce my drawdown so my money doesn’t run out?



Podcast: Financial Planning vs Financial Advice

Video: Financial Planning vs Financial Advice

Article: PwC blog on Lifetime Allowance

App: 7IMagine on the App Store, and on Google Play


As always there is a transcript available for the entire show. you can get it by clicking the huge blue button below:

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