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The Meaningful Money Personal Finance Podcast

Dec 20, 2017

Financial success is about repeating some simple steps over and over for a long time. Contrary to popular opinion right now, it isn’t about buying Bitcoin. But over that long time, you’ll get in your own way, and in this show I show you how to recognise this and what to do about it.

Dec 13, 2017

MeaningfulMoney was created to help you manage your own finances. And yet, I often get asked about when it makes sense to seek advice from a professional. In this Greatest Hits episode I read an email from a listener which prompts me to share when you SHOULDN’T and when you SHOULD seek advice.

Dec 6, 2017

Investing is a long-term game. And over a long time, things can happen, which means you need to keep an eye on your investments as the years go by.