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The Meaningful Money Personal Finance Podcast

Jul 29, 2015

With tens of thousands of investment funds available it is hard to know where to start when building a portfolio. Understanding Investment Sectors is a good place to start, and that’s the subject this week’s show.


Jul 22, 2015

Risk is such an essential component of investing success that I have covered it, in detail, twice before on this show. But today I chat to the godfather of risk measurement, Paul Resnik of Finametrica, and go deep into the science of investment...

Jul 15, 2015

In recent weeks we’ve covered behavioural finance from various angles. But we haven’t yet covered off some practical steps to save ourselves from ourselves; strategies for making good investment decisions. So that’s our mission today - stay tuned for some easily applicable tips and tricks to stay safe in the big...

Jul 8, 2015

Financial planning is a long game, with twists and turns along the way. Chess is a long game, with twists and turns along the way. Turns  out there is quite a bit that you can learn from studying the moves of chess grandmasters and apply to financial planning and investing. And that’s the subject of a new...

Jul 1, 2015

Ever wondered what a day in the life of your favourite financial planning podcaster looks like? What do you mean, no?! This week I want to give you an insight into what a financial planner actually does each day, to make their clients’ lives better. Plus you get to find out more about yours truly, whether you like it...