Apr 20, 2016
Last week we covered a rough formula for working out what your Net Worth needs to be in order to be financially free one day. But there might be a lot of days from where you are now to where you want to be, so today I’m going to give you five things to track when growing net worth. Let's get practical!
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This podcast is brought to you with the help of Seven Investment Management, a firm of investment managers based in London. They specialise in multi-asset investing, bringing institutional investing techniques to ordinary people like you and me. 7IM put their name to my show and to my site because they believe in what I’m doing, trying to get decent, easy-to-understand financial information out to the world. I’m very grateful to them for their support. You can see what they’re up to at 7im.co.uk
So last week I took a deep dive into Net Worth, and tried to help you come up with a number to aim for. This cash figure, when converted into an income ought to be enough, when combined with other sources of income, to give you the life you want to lead.
Now we have a target, but if that target is 25 years away, there are plenty of opportunities to leave the straight path. Sticking to the plan requires discipline and effort of will. I can’t really help you with that, but I can help you with the other part of the equation, which is to give you an idea of the things you need to keep track of as you go along.
Next week, I'll be looking at what to do if you discover you are not on track
Course: Learn How To Budget on Udemy Podcast: Session 137 - Making More Money Website: Moneystepper Savings Challenge Podcast: Session 96 - How To Review An Investment Portfolio
And of course, there's the transcript of the show, which you can
get by clicking the big blue button below:
I love to read and respond to your comments, so please do join in and share. Question: Do you track anything I haven't mentioned here? Let me know in the comments...
Hugs and kisses to MonopolySi and JeezItsHardToPickANickname-DM for their review this week - much appreciated!
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